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Epidemiological behavior of cutaneousleishmaniasis in Boyacá, 2012-2015 ; Comportamiento epidemiológico de la Leishmaniasis cutánea en Boyacá 2012-2015

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidad de Boyacá
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Universidad de Boyacá: Revistas Digitales
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Introduction:Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a public health problem widely recognized in the literature. Colombia has been considered an endemic country for this vector-borne infection. Treatment represents a challenge because of lack of follow-up, high drug toxicity, and the resistance to antileishmanial drugs. Objective:The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological behavior of cutaneous leishma- niasis in the department of Boyacá, Colombia, between 2012 and 2015. Materials and methods:A retrospective, descriptive and observational study was carried out. The sample was taken from the files of notification of the Colombian epidemiological surveillance system, belonging to patients diagnosed with cutaneous leishmaniasis in the department of Boyacá, Colombia, from 2012 to 2015. Qualitative variables were analyzed by absolute and relative frequencies and the quantitative variables were reported through measures of central tendency. Results:The subjects widely affected were young males from rural areas with forestry jobs or students in those rural areas. The incidence in 2014 was the highest, with 173 cases, followed by 124 in 2013, 2.012 with 102 and, finally, 2015 with 75 cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Conclusion:Leishmaniasis is a problem that affects the department of Boyacá, mainly in the western part of the state, where conditions of geographical relief and human development generated the invasion of the niche of the transmitting vector. In addition, poor access to health services makes it difficult to treat and monitor the disease, which is consistent with the world scientific literature. ; Introducción. La leishmaniasis cutánea constituye un problema en salud pública reconocido en la literatura. Colombia es un país endémico para esta infección transmitida por vectores. El tratamiento clínico representa un desafío por la falta de seguimiento, la toxicidad de los medicamentos y la resistencia a los fármacos antileishmánicos. Objetivo. Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de la leishmaniasis ...
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