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Péče o nedonošeného novorozence dříve a dnes ; Care of premature newborns in former times and today

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Sedlářová, Petra; Nováková, Jana
    • بيانات النشر:
      Univerzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakulta
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Charles University: CU Digital repository / Univerzita Karlova: Digitální repozitář UK
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The thesis deals with the topic of the development of care for the premature newborn over the ages, focusing on individual areas of care. From publications and articles we can read about marked differences in the care of the newborn if we want to compare history and today. In ancient times, only mothers who gave birth to their children cared for them. There were no professionals or institutions in which such care could be concentrated. But society has always tried to save life, albeit perhaps in the most primitive way. Already during the 18th-19th centuries, the first organized services for the care of pregnant women and their children began to be provided. From the foundling hospitals, we move over time to the establishment of maternity wards and hospital wards for paediatric patients. We are passing through a period when the care of the premature newborn was only peripherally touched upon by society, and often shunned, until the first research on the subject began to be carried out and the overall level of care improved and methods became more sophisticated. During the study of the literature sources, developments were observed especially in the areas of maintaining the temperature environment, especially incubators, and the development of the kangaroo method, which is coming to the fore nowadays. ; Souhrn Práce se zabývá tématem vývoje péče o nedonošeného novorozence v průběhu věků se zaměřením na jednotlivé oblasti péče. Z publikací a článků se můžeme dočíst o markantních rozdílech v péči o novorozence, pokud budeme chtít porovnat historii a dnešní dobu. Ve starověku pečovaly o své děti pouze matky, které je porodily. Nebylo žádných odborníků či institucí, do kterých by se takováto péče mohla soustřeďovat. Společnost se ale vždy snažila o záchranu života, i když možná tím nejprimitivnějším způsobem. Již v průběhu 18.-19. století začaly být poskytovány první organizované služby péče o těhotné ženy a jejich děti. Od nalezinců se postupem času dostáváme ke vzniku porodnic a nemocničních oddělení pro dětské ...
    • File Description:
    • Relation:; 265237
    • الرقم المعرف: