نبذة مختصرة : Reflecting on the education of deaf subjects in Higher Education, tells us to find possibilities with the use of assistive technologies. This bibliographic research seeks to analyze how the accessibility of the deaf subject has been regulated through Assistive Technology in Higher Education and which of these can reduce the communication barriers between deaf and hearing. It brings the main considerations in a reflection on the deaf community, seeking theoretical supports to characterize it. Also, we approach the evolution of technologies, making a reflection on their insertion in daily life, as well as the main regulations that support the care of the deaf subject and research on how the inclusion of deaf subjects in Teaching has been discussed. Higher Education and how HEIs can reduce the communication barriers between hearing subjects and deaf subjects. We conclude that assistive technologies are instruments capable of facilitating communication between the subjects and that, in order to include deaf subjects, we need to break through the physical, methodological and attitudinal barriers, aiming at constituting that the HEIs build a universal design in which everyone feel citizens with the same rights to express themselves and have access to the construction of professional and personal knowledge. ; Reflexionando sobre la educación de las personas sordas en la Educación Superior, nos dice que encontremos posibilidades con el uso de tecnologías de asistencia. Esta investigación bibliográfica busca analizar cómo se ha regulado la accesibilidad del sujeto sordo a través de la tecnología de asistencia en la educación superior y cuáles de estos pueden reducir las barreras de comunicación entre sordos y oyentes. Trae las principales consideraciones en una reflexión sobre la comunidad sorda, buscando apoyos teóricos para caracterizarla. Además, nos acercamos a la evolución de las tecnologías, reflexionando sobre su inserción en la vida cotidiana, así como las principales regulaciones que apoyan el cuidado de las ...
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