نبذة مختصرة : Rising hypoxia due to the eutrophication of riverine ecosystems is primarily caused by the transport of nutrients. The majority of existing TMDL models cannot be efficienty applied to represent nutrient concentrations in riverine ecosystems having varying flow regimes due to seasonal differences. Accurate TMDL assessment requires nutrient loads and suspended matter estimation under varying flow regimes with minimal uncertainty. Though a large database can enhance accuracy, it can be resource intensive. This study presents the design of an innovative modeling strategy to optimize the use of existing datasets to effectively represent streamflow-load dynamics while minimizing uncertainty. The study developed an approach to assess TMDLs using six different flux models and kriging techniques (i) to enhance the accuracy of nutrient load estimation under different hydrologic regimes (flow stratifications) and (ii) to derive an optimal modeling strategy and sampling scheme for minimizing uncertainty. The flux models account for uncertainty in load prediction across varying flow strata, and the deployment of multiple load calculation procedures. Further, the proposed flux approach allows the determination of load exceedance under different TMDL scenarios aimed at minimizing uncertainty to achieve reliable load predictions. The study employed a 10-year dataset (2009-2018) consisting of daily flow data (m 3/sec) and weekly data (mg/L) for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations in three distinct agricultural sites in+ the Minnesota River Watershed. The outcomes were analyzed geospatially in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment using the kriging interpolation technique. The study recommends (i) triple stratification of flows to obtain accurate load estimates, and (ii) an optimal sampling scheme for nitrogen and phosphorous with 30.6 % and 49.8 % datapoints from high flow strata. The study outcomes are expected to contribute to the planning of economically and technically ...
Relation: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/245249/1/152802787.pdf; Rai, Saumitra, Jain, Shruti, Rallapalli, Srinivas, Magner, Joe, Singh, Ajit Pratap, & Goonetilleke, Ashantha (2024) Effect of varying hydrologic regime on seasonal total maximum daily loads (TDML) in an agricultural watershed. Water Research, 249, Article number: 120998.; https://eprints.qut.edu.au/245249/; Faculty of Engineering; School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
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