نبذة مختصرة : Osteoarthritis is the oldest known degenerative disease; it is considered a global health problem exacerbated by the increase in the population's longevity. As a disease, it conditions pain and deformities responsible for the affectation it generates in the functional capacity and the perception of patients' quality of life. This research aimed to conduct a bibliographic review to obtain updated information on osteoarthritis's clinical, etiopathogenic, and therapeutic elements. A basic, descriptive, documentary, and cross-sectional investigation consisting of a non-systematic bibliographic review aimed at obtaining information related to the study's objective. The universe was made up of a total of 85 documents, and 40 of them became part of the research sample. Information was obtained from articles published in journals indexed in high-impact databases (Scopus, Medline, PubMed, and Ice Web of Science) and regional databases (Latindex, Lilacs, Scielo, and Redalyc). The main results include the description of osteoarthritis's clinical and etiopathogenic characteristics and the existing therapeutic resources, which allowed the designing a sequential scheme for applying therapeutic resources. It is concluded that, despite the scarce existing therapeutic resources, if they are used correctly, the risk of functional disability and affectation of the perception of quality of life is reduced. Keywords: Quality of life; Functional capacity; rheumatic disease; Degenerative illness; Osteoarthritis ; Resumen La osteoartrosis es la enfermedad degenerativa más antigua que se conoce, es considerada como un problema de salud mundial que se ve exacerbado por el aumento de la longevidad de la población. Como enfermedad condiciona dolor y deformidades que son los responsables de la afectación que genera en la capacidad funcional y la percepción de calidad de vida de los pacientes. El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica para obtener información actualizada sobre los elementos clínicos, ...
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