نبذة مختصرة : First acceleration of heavy ion beams with a superconducting continuous wave HIM/GSI CW-Linac After successful RF-testing of a new superconducting Linac RF-cavity at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and a short commissioning and ramp up time of some days, this 15-gaps Crossbar H-cavity accelerated first time heavy ion beams with full transmission up to the design beam energy. The design acceleration gain of 3.5 MV inside a length of less than 70 cm has been verified with heavy ion beam of up to 1.5 particle mkA. The measured beam parameters show a nice beam quality. The machine commissioning with beam is a milestone of the R&D work of Helmholtz Institute Mainz and GSI in collaboration with Goethe University Frankfurt in development of the superconducting heavy ion continuous wave linear accelerator CW-Linac.
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