نبذة مختصرة : The genera Eumerus and Merodon (Syrphidae: Merodontini) form together the most speciose grouping of hoverflies in the Palaearctic Region. However, little is known about the morphology and biology of their larvae. The few larvae of Eumerus and Merodon that have been uncovered are phytophagous in underground organs of plants (some Eumerus and all Merodon) or saprophagous in a variety of plants' parts (the reminder of Eumerus). In this study, the second larval stage (L2) of Eumerus lyneborgi Ricarte & Hauser, 2020 and both the larva (L2) and puparium of Merodon constans (Rossi, 1794) are described for the first time. Larvae of E. lyneborgi were found in a decaying stem of Cyphostemma juttae (Dinter & Gilg) Desc., 1960 (Vitaceae) in Namibia (Africa), while larvae of M. constans were collected in bulbs of Leucojum vernum Linnaeus, 1753, (Amaryllidaceae) in France (Europe). Morphology of the immature forms was studied by observation and imaging with stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The head skeleton of E. lyneborgi larvae was found to be of the filter feeding type, i.e., in accordance with a saprophagous trophic regime, while that of M. constans was typically phytophagous. Variability in certain characters of the M. constans early stages is described and discussed in relation to the adult form and molecular information published in literature. An updated identification key to all known third larval stages/puparia of Merodon is provided. ; When starting this study, Antonio Ricarte's position (UATALENTO17-18) at the University of Alicante was funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento”. Student grant of José Orengo-Green is funded by the University of Alicante (UAFPU2019B-57). This work is part of the PhD thesis of José J. Orengo-Green.
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