نبذة مختصرة : Information and its use are essential elements within society and media culture since they help us understand what is happening around us. On the other hand, however, a series of information disturbances are spreading around due to the circulation of false and deliberately misleading information. The “fake news” label has entered (not only) the political de-bate and the attention for the methods of online information ac-quisition highlights a growing concern about the impact of digital platforms on democratic and social life. In fact, the degree of vul-nerability of companies, institutions and individuals to manipula-tion by malicious media actors still needs to be studied. This contribution presents the results of an exploratory survey, carried out using social networks, involving 290 teenagers. The sur-vey was aimed at detecting the relationship that teenagers have with fake news, their habits on the net, their ability to distinguish be-tween true news and false news, as well as to identify strategies and tools implemented by the school to develop critical & creative skills to recognize fake news. The results, although not to be gen-eralized, are comforting and surprising.
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