نبذة مختصرة : Background: The study takes in to consideration Jammu & Kashmir tourism industry from media’s point of view; quantitative cum qualitative content analysis for articles has been carried out to evaluate different trends and aspects. Objectives: Firstly, to analyze reportages in the index of assigned nomenclatures regarding Jammu & Kashmir tourism among selected local and national dailies. Secondly, measure the average mean values and their variance in respect to number of contents and classified themes. Sampling selection: Four renowned media dailies have been selected conveniently for content analysis on the basis of their circulation. Systematic random sampling framework has been carried out on rotational manner each year, since every month would have equal chance of being analyzed systematically. Methods/Statistical analysis: Articles has been classified as one of representative areas according to proper codes assigned. Some articles could have been in two of categories but it was decided to classify the articles themes into the category they regarded as most representative through induction process to reach on point of conversion/deduction. To analyze average mean values and deviation/variance about different classified themes and contents covered in selected dailies during 2014-18 ‘ANOVA technique (One way ANOVA)’ has been employed to bring validity. To achieve reliability in the results advanced analytical software MINITAB-18 has been used. Findings: The major findings of the study show that Rising Kashmir leads at (166) 33.35% proceeded by Greater Kashmir (150) 30.24%, Hindustan Times (116) 23.38% and Times of India (64) 12.90% perch on 3rd and 4rth places in respect to news-bites. During last 5 year study period the highest frequency estimated to ‘MICE Tourism’ (85) comprises 17.13% ‘tourism promotion’ (57) constitutes 11.49% and ‘Business tourism’ (56) 11.29% inclusively. The dimension ‘Political instability’ has zero percent of coverage in Rising Kashmir. Eventhough highest ...
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