نبذة مختصرة : What role does photography play in people9s lives? In a digital era marked by strong technological advances, why are analog cameras once again emerging as a choice for consumers? Do these have a unique value proposition that digital tools do not offer? Or are they just a way of escaping technology and an attempt to relive the past? These are some of the questions that this Thesis proposes to analyze, as it is interesting to understand the reasons why there is such a strong tendency towards the use of this vintage device. The experimental aspect of this study consisted of the presentation of photographs with different aesthetics (analog and digital) with the aim of understanding the respondents' perceptions regarding various dimensions. The results demonstrated that variables such as the impact on self-esteem, the formulation of nostalgic feelings and the perception of authenticity, have a more positive effect on the evaluation of the attributes of vintage cameras compared to digital ones. This research contributed to understanding the reasons that lead consumers to appreciate analog cameras at a time when the offer is so diverse and highly innovative, focusing on the analysis of consumer behavior. Additionally, it is proposed to analyze how individuals who are not current users perceive this type of photography. ; Qual é o papel que a fotografia tem na vida das pessoas? Numa era digital marcada por avanços tecnológicos, por que razão as câmaras analógicas surgem novamente como uma escolha por parte dos consumidores? Terão estas uma proposta de valor única que as ferramentas digitais não oferecem? Ou serão apenas um meio de fuga à própria tecnologia, uma tentativa de reviver o passado? Estas são algumas das questões que a presente Tese se propõe a analisar, visto ser interessante nos dias que correm perceber os motivos pelos quais se observa uma forte tendência de utilização deste objeto vintage. A vertente experimental deste estudo, consistiu na apresentação de fotografias com diferentes estéticas (analógica e ...
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