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Didactic strategies in teaching-learning: playful and feedback in the study of conceptual chemistry in students of Atotonilco High School, Mexico. ; Estrategias didácticas en la enseñanza-aprendizaje: lúdica y retroalimentación en el estudio de Química conceptual en alumnos de la Escuela Preparatoria Regional de Atotonilco. ; Estratégias didáticas no ensino-aprendizagem: atividades lúdicas e feedback no estudo conceitual de química em alunos da Escola Preparatória de Atotonilco, México

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Federal do Pará
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Universidade Federal do Pará: Periódicos UFPA
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      In this article is described the development of a cycle beginning activity in Chemistry 1 subject. In it, are evaluated two experimental factors, ludic and feedback, and the effect that these exercises on the academic performance of students from the Escuela Preparatoria Regional de Atotonilco. The aim is to design, apply and evaluate a teaching-learning strategy that enables the students to appropriate the concepts and terms that are analyzed in this science and for this purpose it is proposed that they conduct the search for a package containing a cut reading in fragments. Once they locate the package, as a team, they must structure the reading and make a conceptual map from it. In a subsequent session, the teacher makes a feedback about the reading and the conceptual map and later a questionnaire is applied to each individual to evaluate the level of achievement of the thematic contents. The obtained data were introduced in an analysis of variance for an experimental design with two factors, ludic and feedback. The results show that the application of these factors is advisable, since in the treated groups the understanding of thematic contents was better, with respect to when it was not applied. With the ludic was achieved an increase in the scores students of around 30 points, while achieving an increase of approximately 15 points when the feedback is applied. ; En este artículo se describe una actividad de inicio de ciclo en la unidad de aprendizaje Química I. Se evalúa la influencia que dos factores experimentales, lúdica y retroalomentación, ejercen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Escuela Preparatoria Regional de Atotonilco. La finalidad es diseñar, aplicar y evaluar una estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje que logre que el educando se apropie de los conceptos y términos que en esta ciencia se abordan. Para ello se propone que busquen un paquete conteniendo una lectura fragmentada. Una vez que localizan el paquete, en equipo, deben estructurar la lectura y realizar un mapa conceptual ...
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      Direitos autorais 2017 Amazônia: Revista de Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas ;
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