نبذة مختصرة : Today there is no Swedish text for reading aloud that is specifically designed for the assessment and documentation of voice and speech. The present study validates a new reading passage, “The Trapeze Artist”, designed for this purpose. The participants were 43 speakers with motor speech disorders (33-87 years), divided into two groups: mild - moderate and moderate -severe motor speech disorder and 10 matched healthy control subjects (42-82 years). The participants recordings were analyzed and compared for the variables: phrase length, articulation rate, reading errors and pauses. The longest sentence in “The Trapeze Artist” was analyzed for localizations of inhalations, and the number of reading errors in this text and in a standard text “A Severe Case” was compared. There were differences regarding all variables between speakers with moderate-severe motor speech disorder and other speakers. For the variable reading errors there were significant differences between all groups. The speakers with motor speech disorders made inhalations at more places when reading the longest sentence, and speakers with mild - moderate motor speech disorder made more reading errors in “The Trapeze Artist“ compared to “a Severe Case”. The conclusion is that ”The Trapeze Artist” has good validity. The text may be useful in identifying speakers with a moderate-severe motor speech disorder and the text is more challenging with regards to articulatory complexity compared to “A Severe Case" ; Sammanfattning. Vid bedömning och dokumentation av röst och tal används i nuläget ingen högläsningstext specifikt konstruerad för detta ändamål. Föreliggande studie validerar en ny högläsningstext, ”Trapetskonstnären”, framtagen för att ge underlag för bedömning av olika aspekter av röst- och talfunktion. Deltagarna var 43 talare med neuromotorisk talstörning (33-87 år) uppdelade i två grupper: lätt-måttlig och måttlig-grav neuromotorisk talstörning, samt 10 matchade friska kontrollpersoner (42-82 år). Deltagarnas högläsning analyserades ...
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