نبذة مختصرة : Sixteen (16) west African Dwarf Goats (8 bucks and 8 does) balanced for age, sex and weight (average of 5.790.60kg), to test for plant digestibility (%) of secondary compounds or metabolites in Tephrosia bracteolata Guill et perr. (Tb) Panicum maximum Jacq (Pm). Concentrate vig: 1 (20%, 60%, 20% Tb 20) as control, II (40%, 40%, 20%,Tb 40), III (60%, 20%, 20%,Tb 60) and IV (80%, 0%, 20%, Tb 80).Tannin was highest (P>0.05) in TB 40 and 80 (99.90) and lowest(P>0.05) in TB 20 (99.70), Saponin was highest (P>0.05) in TB 40 (99.70) and lowest in TB 20 (99.50), Oxalate was highest(P>0.05) in TB 80 (99.70) and lowest in TB 20, 40 and 60 (99.50) while Phytate was highest (P>0.05) in TB 40 (99.30) and lowest in TB 60 (98.09). The intake of the entire bioactive compound increased linearly with the level of T.bracteolata. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the digestibility of all the assayed anti-nutritional factors. The results were not attributable to various combinations but it could be seen that Tephrosia bracteolata can be solely fed to growing goats with A.I.B. (Agro industrial byproducts) for optimal performance with or without grass supplement despite its inherent anti-nutrient factors.
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