نبذة مختصرة : Objective: to describe the occurrence and characteristics of accidents with biological material treated at the hospital of reference in Infectology for prophylactic treatment. Method: This is a quantitative, descriptive, retrospective study in the database of the hospital pharmacy. The completed notification forms were filled in appropriately. Results were presented in the form of tables and figures. Results: 529 cases of accidents involving exposure to biological material were reported; Of these, 496 (93.8%) required post-exposure prophylaxis and 43.3% had no information about the source person; As to gender identity, 351 (66.4%) claimed to be men, 173 (32.7%) claimed to be women and five (0.9%) claimed to be a transsexual man; were occupational accidents 397 (75%) occurrences, sexual exposure consented in 129 (24.4%) cases and victims sexual violence in three (0.6%). Conclusion: Any accident with exposure to biological material should be considered as a case of medical emergency, since, in order to be more effective, interventions for prophylaxis need to be initiated soon after the occurrence of the accident. Descriptors: Occupational Exposure; Biological Risks; Infectocontagious Disease; Work Accidents; Occupational Health; Infectology. RESUMOObjetivo: descrever a ocorrência e as características de acidentes com material biológico atendidos no hospital de referência em Infectologia para tratamento profilático. Método: trata-se de estudo quantitativo, descritivo, retrospectivo, no banco de dados da farmácia hospitalar. Elegeram-se as fichas de notificação preenchidas de forma adequada. Apresentaram-se os resultados em forma de tabelas e figuras. Resultados: notificaram-se, 529 casos de acidentes envolvendo exposição a material biológico; destes, 496 (93,8%) necessitaram de profilaxia pós-exposição e 43,3% não tinham nenhuma informação sobre a pessoa-fonte; quanto à identidade de gênero, 351 (66,4%) afirmavam ser homens, 173 (32,7%) afirmavam ser mulheres e cinco (0,9%) afirmavam ser homem transexual; ...
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