نبذة مختصرة : Ovarian tumors represent one of the usual neoplasms of women and are responsible for almost half of the deaths from cancer of the female genital tract. Mucinous cystoadenocarcinoma is defined as a malignant neoplasm that originates in the ovarian epithelial tissue usually acquiring large dimensions. We present the case of a postmenopausal 79 years old woman with a history of hyperthyroidism and systemic hypertension controlled with medical treatment. The patient came to the General Surgery office suffering from significant increase in volume in the abdomen. The physical examination revealed the abdominal increase was due to a lump that occupied almost all of it. Exploratory laparotomy was performed finding a 30 cm right ovary tumor which was removed. Histological diagnosis reported mucinous ovarian cystadenoma. She passed the clinical-surgical evolution without complications and was referred to the Oncology service for treatment and follow-up without presenting any alteration. Mucinous ovarian cystadenoma can have large sizes, so it should be considered in women with history of giant pelvic or abdominal tumors. Currently, it does not represent a health problem in the territory. Technological advances in diagnostic devices foster an early detection. Surgical resection and chemotherapy are the choice for treating this entity. ; Los tumores ováricos representan una de las neoplasias habituales de la mujer y son responsables de casi la mitad de las muertes por cáncer del aparato genital femenino. El cistoadenocarcinoma mucinoso, es definido como una neoplasia maligna que se origina en el tejido epitelial del ovario y que suele adquirir grandes dimensiones. Se presenta el caso de una mujer posmenopáusica de 79 años de edad, con antecedentes de hipertiroidismo e hipertensión arterial sistémica, controlados con tratamiento médico; acudió a la consulta de Cirugía General aquejando aumento de volumen notable en el abdomen. El examen físico reveló aumento de volumen de todo el abdomen por una tumoración que lo ocupaba en ...
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