نبذة مختصرة : We present a 3D-printing technology allowing free-form fabrication of centimetre-scale injectable structures for minimally invasive delivery. They result from the combination of 3D printing onto a cryogenic substrate and optimisation of carboxymethylcellulose-based cryogel inks. The resulting highly porous and elastic cryogels are biocompatible, and allow for protection of cell viability during compression for injection. Implanted into the murine subcutaneous space, they are colonized with a loose fibrovascular tissue with minimal signs of inflammation and remain encapsulation-free at three months. Finally, we vary local pore size through control of the substrate temperature during cryogenic printing. This enables control over local cell seeding density in vitro and over vascularization density in cell-free scaffolds in vivo. In sum, we address the need for 3D-bioprinting of large, yet injectable and highly biocompatible scaffolds and show modulation of the local response through control over local pore size.
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