نبذة مختصرة : Background: Pelvic organ prolapse affects about 50% of women of all ages in France. Stress urinary incontinence is one of the most common complications associated with anterior compartment prolapse. This disorder will have an economic and psycho-social impact which impair the quality of life of those women affected by it. The lack of knowledge among the general population makes it a public health interest.Objectives: To highlight the association between anterior prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. In order to have a preventive action and to provide more appropriate care for those patients.Methods: First, inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. Then we searched various databases (Pubmed, Embase, Google Scholar), for the selection of eligible articles for this review. The data selection, extraction and analysis was completed by one reviewer. Cohort’s studies and cross-sectional studies were included. The methodological quality of those articles and the quality of this review were assessed using the QUIPS and the AMSTAR-2 grid respectively.Results: In those articles, most of the measurement tools are similar. Nevertheless, there are various results between them. On the seven articles included, three showed a negative correlation, two of which are strong. Two of the seven shows a positive correlation, with one of them in a weak way. Meanwhile another shows it in a strong way. One of the included articles does not allow us to say if there is a positive or negative correlation due to the lack of control group, as well as the failure to take into account significant confounding factors. These articles have moderate to high risk of bias.Discussion: The correlation between anterior pelvic prolapse and stress urinary incontinence is not shown properly in all those articles. Important factors such as the time of anterior prolapse exposure is not given in any studies. Moreover, some important confounding factors are not taken into account in the results. Further studies are needed in order to provide a clearer ...
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