نبذة مختصرة : Background: There is significant evidence on the benefits of comprehensive assessment in older adults. But this evidence is primarily from western countries and in secondary care settings. National policies in India recognize this need and envision community-based screening and facility-based assessment programs integrated into the care pathways for the elderly. However, this is yet to translate into specific interventions, primarily due to lack of complex interventions necessary and evidence of their effectiveness. This study aims to design and pilot an integrated (Community + Facility) Elderly Health Status Assessment and Screening (EHSAS) intervention to improve health outcomes of older adults and assess its feasibility for implementation in Indian rural settings. Methods: We propose a hybrid design where we will build the complex intervention, develop and validate the tools needed, pilot it using an exploratory cluster randomized trial and evaluate its implementatbility using the Exploration-Preparation-Implementation-Sustainment (EPIS) framework. Conclusions: This study will fill critical gaps in evidence regarding the effectiveness of geriatric screening and assessment in community and primary care settings in low-middle income countries and provide validated tools and implementation models for adoption into national programs. Registration: https://ctri.nic.in/Clinicaltrials/showallp.php?mid1=86713&EncHid=85114.40758&userName=kshatri
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