نبذة مختصرة : L USE PLA SUMMARY REPORT TO The Ozarks Regional Commission FOR Development of a Multi-Modal Dis ibu ion Center - Port of ittl c , Arkansas . - . . • h ·:-t: • . : :· . THE OZARKS REGIONAL COMMISSION LAND USE PLAN SUMMARY REPORT, JUNE 2, 1975 for DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTI-MODAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER PORT OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS by URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION OF AMERICA, CONTRACTOR 1921 S. BRENTWOOD BLVD., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63144 PLANNERS, ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS REAL ESTATE RESEARCH CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI DR. LONNIE HAEFNER, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI MR. LEE CARTER, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI This technical assistance study was accomplished by professional consultants under contract with the Ozarks Regional Commission. The statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and other data in the report are solely those of the Contractor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ozarks Regional Commission. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION UNIT SPACE REQUIREHENTS OF FACILITIES AND PORT NEEDS Facilities Port Needs Exhibit PHYSICAL CONDITIONS Soil Topography Adjacent Land Uses CERTAIN REGIONAL INFLUENCES Land Use Circulation EXISTING AND PLANNED PORT FACILITIES Existing Planned Exhibits and Table LAND USE PLAN Conceptual Design Conclusions Land Use Plan "A" Land Use Plan "B" Circulation Analysis Conclusion Exhibits and Table i 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 17 19 22 22 : INTRODUCTION This step is Phase C, Land Use Plan Summary Report, the third in a series of five phases in the study, Development of a Multi-Modal Distribution Center - Port of Little Rock, Arkans as. The previous phases including the Market Potentials and Conceptual Design Summary Reports. The remaining phases to be completed are as fo llows: 1. Phase D, Implementation, July 15, 1975 2. Phase E, Report, August 15 and September 15, 1975 In preparation of the Land Use Plans, the Conceptual Design presented on May 1, 1975, to the Advisory Commission of the Port Study was utilized. Members of the Commission are ...
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