نبذة مختصرة : The fundamental principle of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) is to electrochemically convert Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) into electric energy, water, and heat. The main advantage of this technology is to provide clean energy without any carbon dioxide emission. Thereby, one of the most important fuel cell (FC) components represents the electrocatalyst. Typically, they are prepared on the base of noble metals (Pt, Pd) and their alloys. Due to their high prices, the FC production costs are high and the FC marketing at a large scale is difficult. For this reason we have focused in this work on the catalyst layer and microstructure construction by using and combining spraying and the electrodeposition methods. Using the proposed techniques the catalyst loading is significantly reduced (< 0.1mgcm-2) without a noticeable PEMFC performance decrease. The performed tests on anode and cathode sides at a temperature of 80 °C indicated a superior performance in comparison with commercial catalysts. Due to the flexibility of the employed methods, it was possible to up-scale the process and to produce gas diffusion electrodes with an area of 225 cm2. The applied ageing procedure indicated high catalyst stability <40% current density losses at a voltage of 650mV) for all tested electrodes. Furthermore, a series of devices necessary for FC testing were produced and for each developed instrument, highly accessible controlling software’s were programmed. ; Das grundlegende Prinzip von Protonenaustauschmembran-Brennstoffzellen (PEM-BZ) besteht darin, Wasserstoff (H2) und Sauerstoff (O2) elektrochemisch in elektrische Energie, Wasser und Wärme umzuwandeln. Ein großer Vorteil dieser Technologie besteht darin, saubere Energie ohne Kohlenstoffdioxid-Emission zu liefern. Eine der wichtigsten BZ-Komponenten stellt dabei der Elektrokatalysator dar. Typischerweise werden diese durch Edelmetalle (Pt, Pd), bzw. deren Legierungen dargestellt. Aufgrund der hohen Preise dieser Edelmetalle sind die BZ-Produktionskosten sehr ...
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