نبذة مختصرة : In the Hispanic world, the implementation of the “Real pragmática de matrimonios” [Royal sanction for marriage], in 1776, originated a great amount of family controversy, due to the matrimonial choice made by the children of the family. On the one hand, parents defended the lineage and reputation of their families, while the children chose to express their free will to marry. Several lawsuits were iled before the courts in order to solve these conlicts. This is the context in which the present research project is framed, where eight dissent trials were analyzed, that ended with the rejection of the marriage proposal by the female part, without having to justify the reasons concerning to their decision. Nevertheless, in reading these cases, external inluences over the speech of the young ladies are evident, convincing them to avoid the fulillment of the weddings. We can also identify different strategies used by the parents such as the “deposit of wives” in the homes of honorable families or other places suggested by the jury, discrediting the reputation of the iancé or reinforcing patriarchal authority, in order to dissuade them from engaging in these marital unions. ; La aplicación de la Real Pragmática de Matrimonios de 1776, en el mundo hispánico, dio origen a una gran cantidad de controversias familiares, debido a la elección matrimonial que habían hecho los hijos de familia. Por una parte, los padres defendían el linaje y la reputación de sus familias, mientras que los hijos optaban por la capacidad que tenían para manifestar su libre voluntad para contraer matrimonio, de esta manera se presentaron varias demandas judiciales ante los tribunales ordinarios para tratar de resolver estos conflictos. En este contexto se inscribe el siguiente trabajo, en el cual se analizan ocho juicios de disenso que culminaron con la presentación del desistimiento al matrimonio por parte de la pretensa, sin tener que justificar cuáles fueron los motivos que le concernían para retraer su decisión, sin embargo, mediante la ...
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