نبذة مختصرة : The aim of this article is to present the results of research conducted at a school in a peripheral neighborhood of Marília municipality (São Paulo state, Brazil). It starts off from the assumption that the cultural process must be observed with a micro- and a macro-sociological outlook, on the basis of Paul Willis’ analyses. The latter stress that cultural processes may be absorbed and reformulated in a dialectical fashion, remodeling and creating a process of cultural resistance based on the choices made by the very working class in question, which the author termed a school counterculture. Based on that reference, we observe the need to know the school reality to approximate scientific knowledge and students’ cultural horizon through a didactic transposition. Hence, starting off from a pedagogical sequence whose premise was getting to know students’ reality, it was possible to adapt sociological knowledge to these students’ reality by means of teaching techniques and the production of teaching materials. This made for greater acquisition of contents from the subject of Sociology by students, thus constituting new forms of teaching-learning and building more solid training for teachers in the field of Sociology. ; El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de la investigación realizada en una escuela de la periferia del municipio de Marília, en el estado de São Paulo. Tomando como punto de partida el supuesto de que el proceso cultural debe observarse desde una perspectiva micro y macrosociológica, basada en los análisis de Paul Willis, quien resalta que los procesos culturales pueden ser absorbidos y reelaborados de una manera dialéctica, remodelando y creando un proceso de resistencia cultural con base en las decisiones tomadas por la propia clase obrera en cuestión, que el autor denominó contracultura escolar. Con base en esta referencia, observamos la necesidad de conocer la realidad escolar para acercar los conocimientos científicos al horizonte cultural de los estudiantes mediante una ...
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