نبذة مختصرة : 2022 was an unusual year in the electricity market, with volatile and high electricity prices.The question of which type of electricity contract is the best based on one's electricityconsumption pattern became more relevant for many, especially for people with a largeelectricity consumption. As a private customer in Sweden, it is possible to buy electricityfrom an electricity company of choice, which offers different contract forms. Which form ofcontract and which electricity company one as a customer should choose can be a difficultchoice, as well as what the different contracts contain. Three of the most common electricitycontracts are the hourly, variable and fixed price, which are also the contract types covered inthis report. The hourly and variable price contracts largely depend on the spot prices at NordPool, which in turn are set the day before and depend on supply and demand for electricity.Fixed price means that the customer pays the same price per consumed kilowatt hour everymonth during the specified contract period. The price is based on future estimates of theelectricity market situation and the price of electricity. There are two main purposes of thisreport. One is to document the contents of the three main contracts and to investigate howpricing is done with the help of a literature study and interviews with some actors who workwith pricing and/or electricity trading at various electricity companies. In addition to that, amodel is created in Excel that has the purpose of concretizing the impact of the differentcontracts in terms of annual costs. It is based on a Standard scenario with electricitydemandinghousehold components and at what hours they are used. The various price parts ofthe contract, which are documented in the literature study, are obtained quantitatively fromthe three different electricity companies. Hourly, monthly and annual electricity consumptionand finally electricity costs are then calculated. For the hourly price contract, severalmeasures are presented that move electricity ...
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