نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; Antiquity, either Egyptian, Greek or Roman, has always been a part of the 2000 and 2010 advertisements. A quick survey of this corpus helps identifying straight away some memorable examples, which made their marks in advertising history. Indeed, people in their thirties now remember the female gladiators Beyonce, Pink and Britney Spears drinking Pepsi among the gone wild crowd of the Colosseum. As for nowadays’ teenagers, the antique appeal of Paco Rabanne’s Muses for the perfumes Invictus and Olympea didn’t leave them cold. The catalogue could be long, and we could also add not only the Orangina commercial, which also takes place in the Colosseum, but also a whole series of commercials for Ferrero Rocher in which the Olympian gods enjoy the ambassador’s chocolates, the Kouros perfumes, etc. Apart from a few examples, these commercials not only focus on selling the product but also on showing the physique of their actors. This is why we wish to question this corpus through the corps antique concept and its aesthetics. We will then identify the symbolism of the antique body and the values that the executives seek to pass on when showing it. Finally, we will wonder if the emergence of the Internet and the progressive disappearing of classical studies in educational programs had an impact on Antiquity meanings in advertising. ; L’Antiquité, qu’elle soit égyptienne, grecque ou romaine, est toujours présente dans la publicité des années 2000 et 2010. Un balayage rapide du corpus permet d’en repérer immédiatement des exemples, qui ont marqué l’histoire de la publicité ou les esprits : tous les trentenaires actuels se souviennent des gladiatrices Beyoncé, Pink et Britney Spears buvant du Pepsi dans un Colisée en folie. Les adolescents d’aujourd’hui ont été sensibles au charme antique des égéries de Paco Rabanne pour ses parfums Invictus et Olympéa. La liste peut être longue, citons également une publicité d’Orangina, dont l’action se situe elle aussi dans le Colisée, toute une série de spots de ...
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