نبذة مختصرة : NEW YORK HERALD, MONDAY, APRIL • IT, 1865. EUROPE The Germania, Kangaroo and Mails cf the Europa at New York. SSM1 BAITS E,A3?EB. HBWg. The American Demand for Satisfac- tion from Portugal. ibaeipZ.1°5noal™ d»“ amounts to 5,000 H impossible to carry on war without the base of large R majority approximate the above figure. It was most bales l,o00 on speculation and for export, closingcities. If the seaports be taken and Lee be obliged to ^severely punished before reaching here Its show or my* % evacuate Richmond, there will not be a town left in the | strength and glory added to the casualties of battle It confederacy with 20,000 white inhabitants. It will be (3has lost thousands by desertion. Only a shattered rem- impossible to maintain permanently largo armies in the nant of this once large army now remains The army [| heavily. Liverpool, April 4, 1865. The cotton market has been very much depressed to-i wr , , , 1 --- j- --- I UiUilV-O LI. C' ^ jUU.HU ui Ulllo flwSni 68 Sare,y amou?ting \° 3>000 bales—1,000 on |a interior of the slave States, amid scattered plantations II is now only a thing of”history. Never can it be resus- t§speculation and for export. Prices are very irregular, §§and unpaved villages. You cannot, in such circum- Stated It’ ■ 0 resus j market closing heavily. TIIADE REPORT. The Manchester market was irregular but easier. LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFFS MARKET. The breadstuffs market is dull and easier. Wheat in- si1 active and declined %d. for red descriptions. Com flat •f and easier. | LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET. I The market is dull. Pork very dull. Bacon steady. I LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET. | Lard quiet and nominal. Tallow heavy. Ashes dull at ? *,.3 29s. for pots and30s. for pearls. Sugar steady. Coffee] quiet and steadjr. Rice inactive. Linseed oil quiet and! steady. Rosin flat. Spirits t rpentine flat. Petroleum! ' inactive, but steady at 2s. a 2s. Id. for refined. stances, concentrate the means of subsistence or furnish the necessary equipment for an army. I expect, there j’fore, to see the ...
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