Contributors: Catarci T.; Marrella A.; Leotta F.; Mecella M.; Catarci, Tiziana; Di Nocera, Francesco; Federici, Stefano; Gaudino, Giancarlo; Lanzilotti, Rosa; Marrella, Andrea; Mele, Maria Laura; Pantano, Pietro S.; Poggi, Isabella; Tarantino, Laura; Amendola, Massimo; Bertacchini, Francesca; Bilotta, Eleonora; Bracalenti, Marco; Buono, Paolo; Cocco, Antonello; Costabile, Maria Francesca; Desolda, Giuseppe
نبذة مختصرة : In the framework of the AVI 2018 Conference, the interuniversity center ECONA has organized a thematic workshop on "Digital Interaction: where are we going?". Six contributions from the ECONA members investigate different perspectives around this thematic.
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