نبذة مختصرة : V Evropi v zadnjem desetletju opažamo naglo rast desnega populizma, ki v svoji retoriki nasprotuje priseljevanju ter multikulturizmu, tovrstna retorika pa pridobiva na podpori. Diplomsko delo obsega pregled zgodovine vzpona desnega populizma na Nizozemskem in analizo povezave med pojavom populizma in kolonializmom ter priseljevalnih politik. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotovitev, ali je desni populizem na Nizozemskem trenutno v vzponu ter kako so bogata kolonialistična zgodovina Nizozemske ter množične migracije vplivale na pojav populizma. ; In Europe, in the last decade, we have seen the rapid growth of right-wing populism, whose rhetoric opposes immigration and multiculturalism, and this kind of rhetoric is gaining support. The thesis includes an overview of the history of the rise of right-wing populism in the Netherlands and an analysis of the connection between the emergence of populism and colonialism and immigration policies. The aim of the thesis is to find out whether right-wing populism is currently on the rise in the Netherlands, and how the rich colonialist history of the Netherlands and mass migration have influenced the emergence of populism.
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