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Early Warning Systems, A Tool That Strengthens Epidemiological Surveillance within the Framework of Occupational Health and Safety ; Los sistemas de alerta temprana, una herramienta que fortalece la vigilancia epidemiológica en el marco de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo ; Os sistemas de alerta precoce, um instrumento para reforçar a vigilância epidemiológica no âmbito da saúde e segurança no trabalho

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidad de Boyacá
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Universidad de Boyacá: Revistas Digitales
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Introduction: Occupational diseases and accidents not only reduce productivity and work capacity, but also generate high costs for workers, companies, families, the health system, and society, which is why in recent years they have become a public health problem, which worries companies and the government, and achieving a longer and healthier working life has become increasingly difficult, requiring a comprehensive anticipatory and preventive approach. Objective: Conduct an exploratory review of relevant information about Early Warning Systems that can be applied in the framework of epidemiological surveillance in occupational health and safety. Materials and methods: Conduct an exploratory review of were carried out in different databases of articles published during 2016-2021. The documents that were selected in their original articles, review, management guides, implementation, and national legislation, which address the issues of epidemiological intelligence, early warning systems and occupational health and safety. Results: The Early Warning Systems are tools that provide timely and effective information that helps subjects exposed to a threat to make decisions to avoid or reduce the risk. Conclusions: The implementation of an early warning system in companies will help reduce the times from risk identification to response and thus have a greater opportunity for control, thus impacting the health of workers, the production, and finances of the company. ; Introducción: Las enfermedades y los accidentes laborales no solo reducen la productividad y la capacidad de trabajo, sino que también generan altos costos para los trabajadores, empresas, familias, el sistema de salud y la sociedad, motivo por el cual en los últimos años se han convertido en un problema de salud pública que preocupa a las empresas y al gobierno, porque se requiere un enfoque preventivo y anticipado integral. Objetivo: compilar información actualizada y relevante acerca de los sistemas de alerta temprana que puedan aplicarse en el marco de ...
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      Derechos de autor 2021 Revista Investigación en Salud Universidad de Boyacá ;
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