نبذة مختصرة : For architects, writing and publishing activities are, at least from Vitruvius’ times, extremely important. In architecture, the book always was and is an essential instrument of knowledge, of technical and cultural exchange, and often can be also something more, an artwork which acquires a relevance comparable with the built work, acting as a key work in the architectural scenario. Nowadays, websites, social networks and blogs are dramatically changing the cultural frame of architecture and writing rises, for a huge number of architects, a constant and absorbing activity to be made on a daily base. Articles, discussions, chats, images of projects and buildings accompany every part of our daily and night time, of our work and domestic space. Writing, evolving in something o completely new and different, is again the main vector, a medium that is receiving a strong implementation exactly because of the overdevelopment of the electronic field which, on the other hand, is probably going to kill the traditional formats like books and magazines.
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