نبذة مختصرة : Hybrid conductive paint pigments composed of zinc ferrites (ZF) and polyaniline (PANI) were analysed as both a potential electro-active and corrosion-protective paint from the electrorheological (ER) point of view. The particles were characterised using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction spec-troscopy. These hybrid conductive particles are used as pigments suitable for applications in paints which was confirmed by determining the consumption of linseed oil, the specific conductivity of aqueous extracts and the density of the tested pigments according to the relevant standardized methods. The chemical stability of particles was evaluated by means of durability tests in aggressive environment showing excellent results for the coated particles. Both ZF/PANI particles and pure ZF were dispersed in silicone oil and their ER behaviour was analysed through controlled shear rate and dynamic oscillatory tests. The ER performance of the pure ZF and the composite ZF/PANI suspensions were compared, show-ing promising results and enhanced ER performance and attention-worthy ER efficiency of the later (in particular, the ER efficiency of the coated particles exceeded 105 % at 0.01 s-1). Lastly, the results were further validated via dielectric spectroscopy. Thus, the ZF/PANI particles have the potential to be applied as a hybrid ER fluid and an electro-active paint.(c) 2022 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ; Hybridní vodivé nátěrové pigmenty složené z feritů zinku (ZF) a polyanilinu (PANI) byly analyzovány jako potenciální elektroaktivní a antikorozní nátěrové hmoty z elektroreologického (ER) hlediska. Částice byly charakterizovány pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie a rentgenové difrakční spektroskopie. Tyto hybridní vodivé částice se používají jako pigmenty vhodné pro aplikace v barvách, což bylo potvrzeno stanovením spotřeby lněného oleje, měrné vodivosti vodných extraktů a hustoty testovaných pigmentů podle příslušných ...
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