نبذة مختصرة : Klaipėda Faculty Visual design Master’s Academic Thesis of RITA DANIELIENĖ “DOLL ANATOMY” Abstract A doll is a mediator between world of childhood and adult. Children enter into life and society through the doll as full-fledged personalities. Dolls represent concentrate of images and in most cases become a magic word “Open Sesame.”. Some doors would be never opened without these magic words. There is no other key. (.) In a manner of speaking, dolls are immortal. They could be broken, but they originate out of nowhere and are solid. A doll provides the child with the first understanding of immortality also it is a manifestation of the divine spring. This is because of that, that a question of immortality in children souls is being solved very early. (A. Gnezdilovas. Text was read in the seminar organised by A. Alekseičikas). The word “doll” is not limited to one perception that it is only a toy. Meaning of this word is wider. A doll is a concept, directly related to culture and civilisation, reality and everything, what is mystic and unreal. It is a concept, belonging both to the art and psychology. Dolls “fill up” energy of those, for whom they “serve”. (.) I was shocked when confronted with the fact, that dolls sort of revive and even at the very outside perform role of life-saver for its “relatives”. A doll is particular alive symbol of other magic life. (Gnezdilovas. Text was read in the seminar organised by A. Alekseičikas). According to psychoanalytic theory, dolls perform role of those objects, into which instinctive human energy is transferred. In opinion of S. Freud, total human behaviour is directed to aspiration to decrease unconscious (instinctive) tension, which is evoked by instincts of life and death. Such energy may be directed immediately both to the object, which can satisfy emerged need, and to the object, that serves for it. Dolls always were such substitutes: they substantiated real people during sacrifice ritual and gods during theatrical presentations (actually as during other rituals).
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