نبذة مختصرة : Heterogeneous catalysis is at the heart of the chemical industry. Being able to tune and design efficient catalysts for processes of interest is of the utmost importance, and for this, a molecular-level understanding of heterogeneous catalysts is the first step and indeed a prime focus of modern catalysis research. For a long time, the single most thermodynamically stable structure of the catalytic interface attained under the reaction conditions had been envisioned as the reactive phase. However, some catalytic interfaces continue to undergo structural dynamics in the steady state, triggered by high temperatures and pressures and binding and changing reagents. Among particularly dynamic interfaces are such widely used catalysts as crystalline and amorphous surfaced supporting (sub)nanometallic clusters. Recently, it became clear that this dynamic fluxionality causes the supported clusters to populate many distinct structural and stoichiometric states under catalytic conditions. Hence, the catalytic interface should be viewed as an evolving statistical ensemble of many structures (rather than one structure). Every member in the ensemble contributes to the properties of the catalyst differently, in proportion to its probability of being populated. This new notion flips the established paradigm and calls for a new theory, new modeling approaches, operando measurements, and updated design strategies. The statistical ensemble nature of surface-supported subnanocluster catalysts can be exemplified by oxide-supported and adsorbate-covered Pt, Pd, Cu, and CuPd clusters, which are catalytic toward oxidative and nonoxidative dehydrogenation. They have access to a variety of 3D and quasi-2D shapes. The compositions of their thermal ensembles are dependent on the cluster size, leading to size-specific catalytic activities and the famous "every atom counts" phenomenon. The support and adsorbates affect catalyst structures, and the state of the reacting species causes the ensemble to change in every reaction intermediate. ...
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