نبذة مختصرة : In this paper I discuss some contributions of embodied musical cognition and the phenomenology of the social world to explore the potentialities of these perspectives for studying musical experience in childhood from the body. My thesis is that both positions can be complementary and enrich their respective fields of knowledge about the study of musical experience. To demonstrate similarities and differences, I present arguments of embodied musical cognition and the phenomenology of the social world. I explain how the phenomenology of the social world can solve the explanatory limitations of embodied musical cognition, while at the same time, how theoretical contributions of phenomenology can be increased by interpretations of the embodied cognitive approach. I think that these reflections can lead to stronger foundations for studying the musical experience of children in music education, which can also lead to a better understanding of the music learning process in childhood. Integrating philosophical reflection into the contributions of embodied cognition is what this involves, in order to provide greater epistemological clarity based on the phenomenology of the social world. ; En este trabajo discuto algunos postulados de la cognición musical encarnada y de la fenomenología del mundo social, con el propósito de describir algunas potencialidades de estas perspectivas para el estudio de la experimentación musical en la infancia a partir del cuerpo. La tesis que sostengo es que ambas posiciones resultan ser enfoques complementarios para el estudio de la experiencia musical y pueden enriquecer sus respectivos campos de conocimiento. Presento los argumentos de la cognición musical encarnada y la fenomenología del mundo social, con el fin de mostrar algunas semejanzas y diferencias. Expongo de qué forma los límites explicativos de la cognición musical encarnada podrían ser solventados por la fenomenología del mundo social y, al mismo tiempo, cómo los aportes teóricos de la fenomenología pueden ser ampliados ...
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