نبذة مختصرة : In most probability texts for undergraduates, exercises on Bayes theorem are solved by applying directly. This arid way of presenting the subject makes unatractive and difficult to understand, and instead of capturing the interest of the students, a lack of motivation is the result. As a result there will be no interest on knowing what this theorem can offer in solving real life problems. The aim of this paper is to present an alternative and effective way to introduce Bayes theorem. To this end, we first use tree diagrams, which naturally generate Bayes theorem. Additionally, through the use of two-way tables the student can immediately verify the answer to the problem, since the same results are generated. To illustrate the proposed methodology, we solve the problem of determining the probability that a person infected with AIDS got the virus through one of three possible ways: sexual transmission, blood transfusions or needles in drug use, when the respective infection probabilities are known. Finally, the results of this methodology showed a positive impact on student response, because they developed greater ability, interest and motivation in the subject. Furthermore, it was possible to introduce the first step towards learning decision trees, which are an application of Bayes’ Theorem. ; En la mayoría de los textos de probabilidad para estudiantes de pregrado, los ejercicios sobre el Teorema de Bayes se resuelven aplicándolo directamente. Esta forma árida de presentar el tema lo hace difícil de comprender y poco atractivo y, en lugar de captar el interés de los estudiantes, se logra una desmotivación. Como consecuencia no habrá preocupación por conocer más de lo que puede ofrecer este teorema en la solución de problemas de la vida real. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una forma alternativa y efectiva para introducir el teorema de Bayes. Para ello, se comienza usando los diagramas de árbol, que generan de manera natural el teorema de Bayes. Adicionalmente, mediante el uso de las tablas de doble ...
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