نبذة مختصرة : The PhD study presented here on view and homosexual subjects schooling paths in aging passage of time in Belém city has like purpose to inquire the problems related to discursive practices on homosexualities experienced in school spaces owing to understand the registered trademarks of prejudices, discrimination and strategies of resistance and lived in these transgressions education pathways that occur in teaching-learning spaces in urban areas of Belém. The central focus of this research bring as matter the main issue to identify, through their testimonies narratives and episodes, traits that reveal how older homosexuals reinvent, analyze and problematize and these events schooling and educational practices that bring past and present their perspectives homoaffectives today as citizens of rights concerning the relations of power / knowledge in society and in school environments. For this, some questions become cardinal points in this study: What is the orientation of discursive order that gave sense and meaning to the lived time of enrollment to the old homosexual subject? How was it possible the invention of strategy at school that if they could change the disciplinary regulations collectively imposed social institutions for purposes of control, regulation and silences? theoretical perspective of this thesis was anchored for analysis in Foucault's studies with more relevance to the question of genealogy and aesthetics of existence of homosexual individuals in aging process Ruling us for these deciphering studies about the history of sexuality and forms of institutionalization, surveillance, social control, and accomplishments through games and power relations in relevant dialogues with other perspectives that deepen knowledge about education, educational practices and the condition human. The methodological procedures that guided the collection of information have focused on the history of life by analyzing the discourses present in the construction of narratives and utterances of the research partners. We use ...
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