نبذة مختصرة : Digital ; The aim of this word was to assess the in vitro antifungal activity of acidic electrolyzed water (AEW) and the required contact time to inhibit the development of post-harvest molds common in strawberry fruit. Ninetyfour strawberry samples were used. A five-fold assay in a randomized design was carried out using standard inoculum of fungal conidia, which were subjected to an array of contact times and AEW concentrations, using a controlled agitation (120 r.p.m) at 23°C. The conidia treated with AEW were grown on potato dextrose agar and their germination was evaluated. Mycelial growth of the treated samples was measured and compared against conidia control samples treated with distilled water instead of AEW. Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer were the most commonly isolated species at 54.25% and 28.72%, respectively. AEW inhibited conidia germination after 7 minutes of exposure. The AEW concentration required to inhibit conidia germination was 10 ppm and 50 ppm for R. stolonifer and B. cinerea respectively, a variance possibly due to the constitution of their cellular walls. A short exposure of AEW is able to inhibit post-harvest fungi growth, and is thus recommended as an efficient, economical, and environmentally sustainable sanitation agent, with the ability of extending the strawberry postharvest consumption period. ; El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la actividad antifúngica in vitro del agua electrolizada ácida (AEA) y el tiempo de contacto requerido para inhibir el desarrollo de mohos postcosecha comunes en fresa. Se utilizaron 94 frutos dañados y sanos. En un ensayo al azar con cinco repeticiones, utilizando un inóculo estándar de conidios fúngicos, tratados durante una serie de tiempos de contacto y diferentes concentraciones de AEA, utilizando una agitación controlada (120 r.p.m) a 23 °C. Los conidios tratados con AEA se cultivaron en agar papa-dextrosa para evaluar su germinación. Se midió el crecimiento micelial de las muestras tratadas y se comparó con las muestras de control ...
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