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Programa de Relações Públicas do time de futebol americano João Pessoa Espectros. ; Public Relations Program of the American football team João Pessoa Espectros.

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      França, André Luiz Dias de
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Federal da Paraíba
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Universidade Federal da Paraiba: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      The Associação Desportiva João Pessoa Espectros is an American football team that has been gaining strength and bringing achievements to the state of Paraíba since 2007, becoming two time Brazilian champion and eleven-time champion in the Northeast. Despite its achievements, it is clear that the team still has some gaps in communication, which may be unexpected for a team that is a reference within this modality, especially in the northeast region. Furthermore, it is necessary for the team to have a broader and more in-depth knowledge of the communication that must be developed with its audiences. This Capstone Project has the general objective of implementing a Public Relations Program for the team, restructuring the organizational identity and its communication. The development of the program was supported by the briefing, which was elaborated through interviews, as well as the positive and negative points intrinsic to the team detected by the diagnosis. From that point on, the opinion poll was applied to the internal and external audiences, making it possible to measure the information collected, enabling the identification and understanding of existing failures in Espectros communication. In view of the analyzed data, six actions were proposed, in which three of them were implemented in a practical way in the team. Through the actions carried out, it was possible to make the team perceive and understand the importance of organizational identity for Associação Desportiva João Pessoa Espectros and, in addition, the insertion in a new means of communication - Tiktok - demonstrated the importance of knowing what fans expect from the team and that their opinion is needed at any time. Thus, in view of the exposed facts, it can be stated that the group's objectives were achieved by putting into practice what was learned and understanding the importance of a public relations professional within a third sector organization. ; A Associação Desportiva João Pessoa Espectros é um time de futebol americano que vem ...
    • Relation:
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