نبذة مختصرة : The objective of this paper is to present a descriptive research from the reading and analysis of the myth of Medea, the Greek tragedy Medea by Euripides and the Brazilian tragedy Além do Rio by Agostinho Olavo; as well as, to analyze the theory of reception and the reception of the myth in the work of Agostinho Olavo. Medea is the name of the barbaric and mythical sorceress of Classical Antiquity. Her myth was portrayed in Greek tragedy by Euripides. Over time many tragediographers have worked with the reception of this myth, since she personifies all the dark attributes of the female archetype; being so ambiguous and powerful she is resignified in Agostinho Olavo (1961). In the Brazilian tragedy, Além do rio, Medea, an African queen and orixá, is brought to Brazil in colonial times by Jasão, who promises her the same life of wealth and recognition, but asks her to completely annul her culture and religion, so that she can become christian and adapt to her new life. Blinded by passion, she accepts, but after Jasão’s betrayal she returns to her spells and invocations, becoming the subversive element of the plot. At the same time that she is sought out by her countrymen to perform spiritual works of the most varied kinds, she is also feared and rejected. A literature review was carried out, using as sources, academic works, classical works of Greek and Latin literature, and studies about the classical reception. The result of this research shows that the myth of Medea remains strong in contemporary times because of its universal character. It is a female archetype: the archetype of the dark woman. She is, therefore, the one who carries in herself wisdom, intelligence, and the denial of the "femininity" that puts all women in a place of submission. Keywords: Medeia; reception; tragedy. ; O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar uma pesquisa descritiva a partir da leitura e análise do mito de Medeia, da tragédia grega Medeia de Eurípedes e da tragédia brasileira Além do Rio de Agostinho Olavo; assim como, analisar a ...
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