نبذة مختصرة : Visualisation is an important intellectual activity, similarly to information and data processing, abstraction, memory and learning. Visualisation is also a particularly important technique used in information retrieval. Although perception greatly depends on the individual user’s knowledge and excperience, the system of signs and symbols applied also plays a major role in designing information retrieval tools. Users find it easy to combine information and images. Pictures, graphics, toolbars, icons, buttons, diagrams provide support not only in understanding the structure and operation of the information retrieval language, but also in evaluating the results. Information retrieval systems providing the above tools greatly facilitate the access to information. The study also gives an overview of the possibilities of visually displaying the Universal Decimal Classification system in Hungarian online catalogues. ; A tanulmány megkísérli felvázolni, hogy az ismeretszervezés mind elméleti, mind gyakorlati szinten kapcsolódik az érzékeléshez. A percepciós jellemzők megfelelő ismerete és használata segítheti a tartalomfeltárás tevékenységének valamennyi összetevőjét.
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