نبذة مختصرة : Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se pitanjem veze između ontologije, metodologije i praktične teorije pojedinih socioloških autora. Glavna hipoteza rada je da razina emergencije koja je prisutna u načinu na koji autori koncipiraju društvo (njihova društvena ontologija) uvelike utječe na metodologiju i praktičnu teoriju. Kako bismo ovo analizirali, odabrali smo nekoliko poznatih socioloških autora te ih, po razini emergencije u njihovim društvenim ontologijama, podijelili u tri „tabora“: atomistički, holistički i emergentistički. Potom smo istaknuli neka zajednička obilježja koja autori unutar istog tabora dijele te ustvrdili da razina emergencije u ontologiji uistinu uvjetuje kakvu će metodologiju i praktičnu teoriju autori razviti. Jedan od glavnih kriterija usporedbe pojedinih autora bio je smijer kauzalnosti koji pronalazimo u njihovim teorijama. Ovo se zbog jednostavnosti pokazalo kao dobar princip analize i usporedbe pojedinih socioloških teorija te se preporučuje kao metoda za potencijalne srodne radove u budućnosti. ; This paper deals with the link between ontology, methodology and practical theory of individual sociological authors. The main hypothesis of the paper is that the emergence that is present in the way in which the authors conceptualize society (social ontology) greatly affect methodology and practical theory. In order to analyze this, we selected several well-known sociological authors and, according to the level of emergence in their social ontologies, divided them into three “camps”: atomistic, holistic and emergentist. We then highlighted some common features shared by the authors within the same camp and argued that the level of emergence in ontology did indeed condition what kind of methodology and practical theory the authors would develop. One of the main criteria for comparing individual authors was the direction of causality that can be found in their theories. Because of simplicity, this has shown to be a good principle for analyzing and comparing individual sociological theories and is ...
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