نبذة مختصرة : V svojem diplomskem delu opisujem sintezo treh heterobifunkcionalnih ročic za čiščenje proteinov z afinitetno kromatografijo, ki imajo na koncih N-hidroksisukcinimidno in bromoacetilno skupino. Izhajal sem iz bromoacetil bromida, ki sem ga modificiral s 3-aminopropanojsko oz. 6-aminoheksanojsko kislino. Iz bromoacetil bromida in njegovih derivatov sem z NHS tvoril funkcionalizirane bifunkcionalne ročice. Sintezi ročic z najkrajšo in najdaljšo verigo sta bili uspešni, ročice s srednje dolgo verigo pa mi ni uspelo pripraviti. ; In this diploma work, the syntheses of three heterobifunctional crosslinkers for isolation of proteins with affinity chromatography that have N-hydroxysuccinimide ester and bromoacetyl groups on their ends are described. Bromoacetyl bromide was transformed to desired bromoacetyl-functionalized carboxylic acid using 3-aminopropanoic acid and 6-aminopropanoic acid. NHS-functionalized bifunctional crosslinkers were prepared from bromoacetyl bromide and its derivatives by activation of carboxylic acid and esterification with N-hydroxysuccinimide. The syntheses of crosslinkers with the shortest and longest chains were succesfull whereas the synthesis of the crosslinker with medium lenght chain was unsuccessful.
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