نبذة مختصرة : The theme of this article is Mathematics education: contributions of thegames in learning process. The research problematic pursuit understandthe way that is being used games for teaching math in elementary ofschool X, in the first semester of 2012, have been adequate learning this discipline. So it's important rebound that the hypothesis before carrying out the research was:the way that is being used games for teaching math in elementary of school X, in the firstsemester of 2012, have been adequate learning this discipline. The methodology was based ona qualitative view of research and operationalization of it involved a literature search based onauthors: Kishimoto, Smole, Vigotsky, Piaget, Oliveira, Araujo, Moyles, Fantin, Dante,Santos, PCNs. It’s a is a field research which was achieved by conducting an structuredinterview whereby a sample was Asked five teachers of school X and these subjects make upa universe of twelve teachers. Based on the studies on the use of games in teachingmathematics and search results with the questioned can be understood that the form which hasbeen used in games to make the teaching learning of school X contributes to the developmentof an independent mathematical reasoning to the child and also allows the realization ofprojections action planning solutions for new situations, creating own strategies to itsresolution, developing imagination and creativity. ; O tema do presente artigo é, Educação matemática: contribuições dosjogos no processo ensino aprendizagem. A problemática da pesquisabusca compreender se a forma que vem sendo utilizado os jogos paraensinar a matemática no ensino fundamental da escola X, no primeirosemestre de 2012, vem sendo adequada a aprendizagem desta disciplina.Desta forma vale salientar que a hipótese antes de realizar a pesquisaera: a forma que vem sendo utilizado os jogos para ensinar a matemáticano ensino fundamental da escola X, no primeiro semestre de 2012, vemsendo adequada a aprendizagem desta disciplina. A metodologia adotadafundamentou-se em uma ...
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