نبذة مختصرة : The objective of this research is to determine the growth and economic convergence in the productive activities of the provinces of Pichincha and Guayas between 2010 and 2020. The purpose of these studies was to estimate the coefficients of the linear regression equations that describe the relationship between quantitative independent variables and a dependent variable, determining the statistical importance in the variance of the data, which was analyzed through an exploratory research in which the productive structures and their influence on the economic convergence of each province were identified. The results achieved in the application of the model show that the value of the total coefficient of determination of the model, R2, is close to 0.8972. This suggests that the selected productive activities provide a solid explanation for the model in question, since they are able to explain 89.72% of the variability of the provincial GDP of Guayas, while the probability for the province of Pichincha R2 was 0.7542, demonstrating that the variability of GDP in this province is statistically significant. therefore, it has been concluded that the hypothesis regarding economic growth and convergence is determined by the productive activities of the provinces of Pichincha and Guayas in the period 2010-2020. Keywords: Economic growth and convergence; Beta Convergence; Sigma convergence; Absolute Convergence, Generalized Least Squares, GDP Variability. ; RESUMEN La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el crecimiento y la convergencia económica en las actividades productivas de las provincias de Pichincha y Guayas periodo 2010 – 2020, Los datos se obtuvieron mediante un análisis de información obtenida de fuentes secundarias como el Banco Central, para lo cual se consideraron datos temporales de corte transversal o de panel, que tuvieron por finalidad estimar los coeficientes de las ecuaciones de regresión lineal que describen la relación entre variables independientes cuantitativas y una variable ...
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