نبذة مختصرة : This study had four objectives as follows: 1) to construct the online professional aptitude test for the auto mechanics, machine shop, electrical power and electronics for grad 9 students, 2) to inspect the validity and reliability of the online professional aptitude test, 3) to create the national norms of the online professional aptitude test for grad 9 students. The population was 860,973 of grad 9 students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Offices, the Ministry of Education throughout Thailand in the academic year 2013.The samples of 3,562 grad 9 students were selected by means of multi-stage random sampling technique. There were 6 tests of online industrial professional aptitude which were four-option multiple choice questions. CVI was used to assess the content validity. The item analysis was estimated by Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory with BILOG MG Version 3.0. The construct validity was examined by third – order confirmatory factor analysis with LISREL Version 8.72. The reliability was estimated according to the generalizability theory by using GENOVA program. The major findings were: 1) There were 6 construction online professional aptitude test which consisted of 199 items with: a) 39-item number test, b) 40-item verbal test, c) 29-item spatial test, d) 42-item perception test, e) 24-item dexterity test, and f) 25-item mechanical test. 2) The item analysis was estimated by Classical Test Theory. The CVI of the developed online professional aptitude test was found from .989 to .992. The difficulty of the item (p) was found from 0.20 to 0.80. The discrimination power of the item (r) was found from 0.20 to 0.90. The reliability was found to be 0.70. The item analysis was estimated by Item Response Theory. The quality of aptitude test was standard,consisted of (1) the discrimination parameter that ranged from 0.31 to 1.962 (2) The difficulty parameter that ranged from -2.00 to 2.00 (3) The construct validity of aptitude test for students correlated to the empirical data. The ...
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