نبذة مختصرة : Tourism is one of the programmes that is an alternative source of state income, even the government, both central and regional, makes tourism a strategic programme, so it needs careful concepts and planning and innovation is important in developing tourism destinations. The purpose of this research and service is to assist the Melikan community in finding and developing tourism destinations in the village according to the potential and human resources they have, this is because innovation in tourism village development is crucial for the success of tourism village development. The encouragement of government policies that require all villages to have tourist destinations. Therefore, a lack of attention in developing tourism villages can result in a waste of state funds. One method that can facilitate innovation in the development of tourist villages is the ZOOP method. In the ZOOP method, the focus is on understanding the character of the community, the potential of the community, the objectives of tourism development, and the potential problems that may be faced by the community in developing tourist destinations. The results of the research and service showed that after the ZOOP method was applied, researchers found that this method was successful in uncovering the potential of the community. The enthusiasm of FGD participants in using the ZOOP method is quite stable, as evidenced by the consistent attendance of participants during the 2 months of meetings. Abstrak.Pariwisata adalah salah satu program yang menjadi alternatif sumber pendapatan negara, bahkan pemerintah baik pusat mapun daerah menjadikan pariwisata sebagai program strategis, sehingga perlu konsep dan perencanaan yang matang serta inovasi menjadi hal yang penting dalam mengembangkan destinasi pariwisata. Tujuan dari penelitain dan pengabdian ini untuk mendampingi masyarakat Kalurahan Melikan dalam menemukan dan mengembangkan destinasi parisiwitasa yang ada di desa tersebut sesuai dengan potensi dan sumberdaya manusia yang mereka miliki, ...
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