نبذة مختصرة : This article is a part of a bachelor’s thesis in Teaching in English and Literature, in which the authors were advisee and advisor. The subject matter proposed here falls within the field of Applied Linguistics (AL) as it raises reflections and questions about cultural issues related to the development and application of instructional materials. The paper aims to present a thematic unit (TU) and its developments (LEFFA, 2007; SANTOS, 2014), based on its application to a group of foreign students attending the Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages (PFOL) University Extension Program, from the Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba campus (CT). All students live in Brazil, therefore, the learning process is in an immersion context. The TU had the purpose of promoting, in a sensitive way to the group, discussions, and reflections regarding cultural stereotypes. Throughout the article, it is shown how the activities were planned and applied, while an analysis of the whole process is presented from the perspective of the advisee and advisor, the authors of the present study. It could be concluded that the impact caused in the class was noticeable through the discussions and students’ engagement in the activity. ; Este trabalho se refere a um recorte do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Licenciatura em Letras Inglês, no qual as autoras foram orientanda e orientadora. O tema aqui proposto insere-se na área de Linguística Aplicada (LAP) por levantar questões envolvidas à linguagem e ao ensino de português como língua adicional (PLA), de modo a gerar reflexões e problematizar questões culturais relacionadas à elaboração e aplicação de material didático. O objetivo é apresentar uma unidade temática (UT) e seus desdobramentos (LEFFA, 2007; SANTOS, 2014), a partir de sua aplicação para uma turma de alunos estrangeiros participantes do Programa de Extensão Português para Falantes de Outras Línguas (PFOL), da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), campus Curitiba (CT). Todos os ...
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