نبذة مختصرة : Data --- We have collected English-Odia parallel data for the purposes of NLP research of the Odia language. The data for the parallel corpus was extracted from existing parallel corpora such as OdiEnCorp 1.0 and PMIndia, and books which contain both English and Odia text such as grammar and bilingual literature books. We also included parallel text from multiple public websites such as Odia Wikipedia, Odia digital library, and Odisha Government websites. The parallel corpus covers many domains: the Bible, other literature, Wiki data relating to many topics, Government policies, and general conversation. We have processed the raw data collected from the books, websites, performed sentence alignments (a mix of manual and automatic alignments) and released the corpus in a form suitable for various NLP tasks. Corpus Format --- OdiEnCorp 2.0 is stored in simple tab-delimited plain text files, each with three tab-delimited columns: - a coarse indication of the domain - the English sentence - the corresponding Odia sentence The corpus is shuffled at the level of sentence pairs. The coarse domains are: books . prose text dict . dictionaries and phrasebooks govt . partially formal text odiencorp10 . OdiEnCorp 1.0 (mix of domains) pmindia . PMIndia (the original corpus) wikipedia . sentences and phrases from Wikipedia Data Statistics --- The statistics of the current release are given below. Note that the statistics differ from those reported in the paper due to deduplication at the level of sentence pairs. The deduplication was performed within each of the dev set, test set and training set and taking the coarse domain indication into account. It is still possible that the same sentence pair appears more than once within the same set (dev/test/train) if it came from different domains, and it is also possible that a sentence pair appears in several sets (dev/test/train). Parallel Corpus Statistics --- Dev Dev Dev Test Test Test Train Train Train Sents # EN # OD Sents # EN # OD Sents # EN # OD books 3523 42011 36723 3895 ...
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