نبذة مختصرة : This research shows the adsorbent potential of corncobs in the removal of the anionic bright blue colorant on packed beds. It was evaluated the effect of pH parameters from this medium, particle size, saline presence and column height. The samples were analyzed by defined intervals of time. The colorant quantity removed was quantified by means of ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. Models of Adams-Bohart, Thomas and Yoon-Nelson were used to predict the breakthrough curves using nonlinear regression and so set the characteristic parameters of the process. BDST model was used to express the influence of bed height into the breakthrough curve. It was found that acid pH (pH = 2.0) smaller particle size (0.3 mm < x < 0.5 mm) and larger bed height (Z = 20 cm) favor the transfer of colorant to the adsorbent material, reaching greater retention of bright blue on the corncob. The presence of NaCl in the solution reduces the efficiency of adsorption. In terms of models, the Thomas model presented the best setting for the description of the breakthrough curve to the experimental conditions (R2 = 0.93 -0.94), while Adams-Bohart model offered a good fit (R2 = 0.96-0.99) for the dynamic behavior limited to the initial part of the process. Yoon-Nelson model presented a considerable drift between the experimental data and the predicted data. Finally, the BDST model showed a good correlation, R2 = 0.92 -0.99, establishing that the height is a determining factor for scaling of process ; Esta investigación muestra el potencial adsorbente de la tuza de maíz en la remoción del colorante aniónico azul brillante sobre lechos empacados. Se evaluó efecto de los parámetros pH del medio, tamaño de partícula, presencia salina y altura de columna. Las muestras fueron analizadas a intervalos definidos de tiempo. La cantidad del colorante removido fue cuantificada por medio de espectroscopia Ultravioleta – Visible. Los modelos de Adams-Bohart, Thomas y Yoon-Nelson fueron utilizados para predecir las curvas de ruptura usando regresión no ...
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