نبذة مختصرة : Colonization settlements in province of Caceres (Spain) are projected and built between the fi fties and seventies of the last century. In these towns, apart from the residential, administrative, religious, commercial and service buildings, movie theaters were designed. We study the movie theaters of Vegaviana, La Moheda, Pizarro, Puebla de Argeme, Vadencín, Alagón and Batán, ascribed to diff erent aesthetical models, by architects of the relief of Fernández del Amo, Casado de Pablos, Álvarez Pardo or Subirana Rodríguez, among others, as examples of architecture that alternates between the rural and the modern. ; Los poblados de colonización de la provincia de Cáceres se proyectan y construyen entre los años cincuenta y setenta del pasado siglo. En ellos, aparte de las edificaciones residenciales, administrativas, religiosas, comerciales y de servicios, se diseñan inmuebles destinados al ocio. Se estudian los cinematógrafos de Vegaviana, La Moheda, Pizarro, Puebla de Argeme, Vadencín, Alagón y Batán, adscritos a diferentes modelos estéticos y firmados por arquitectos del relieve de Fernández del Amo, Casado de Pablos, Álvarez Pardo o Subirana Rodríguez, entre otros, como ejemplos de arquitecturas que alternan lo rural y la modernidad. Palabras clave: antiguos cinematógrafos, poblados de colonización, provincia de Cáceres, Ciencias Sociales, Didáctica del Patrimonio. Movie Theaters in the Colonization Settlements of the Province of Caceres (Spain): Towards a Didactic of the rural architectural Heritage Abstract: Colonization settlements in province of Caceres (Spain) are projected and built between the fi fties and seventies of the last century. In these towns, apart from the residential, administrative, religious, commercial and service buildings, movie theaters were designed. We study the movie theaters of Vegaviana, La Moheda, Pizarro, Puebla de Argeme, Vadencín, Alagón and Batán, ascribed to diff erent aesthetical models, by architects of the relief of Fernández del Amo, Casado de Pablos, Álvarez Pardo or ...
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