نبذة مختصرة : We introduce the concept of axions and axion-like particles (ALPs), considering them as promising candidates for Dark Matter (DM) due to their origin in symmetry breaking. The discussion focuses on the interaction of ALPs with photons, particularly the phenomenon of photon-ALP conversion and the calculation of photon survival probability. Photon survival probability is a quantification of photon-ALP conversion, occurring due to their mixing with photons in a two-photon vertex, and resulting in the conversion of photons to an ALP and vice versa in external magnetic fields that are playing mediators for the mixing. As it is mentioned, it is calculated taking into account magnetic fields in the line of sight, as well as the interaction with the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) in the extragalactic space, and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). As an overview of the state of the art of searches for axion, experiments for ALP detection are categorized based on the type of ALPs they investigate together with the examples and corresponding limits in the ALPs parameter space. Emphasis is placed on gamma-ray astronomy, using Imaging Atmospherich Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) MAGIC and LST to analyze very-high-energy gamma-ray data. The production of gamma rays and their detection, together with a discussion of some principal concepts and the data analysis are explained. For the analysis of very-high-energy (VHE) data and reconstruction of the source spectrum, we used gammapy, an open-source package for gamma-ray astronomy. As mentioned before, ALPs are interacting with two photons, oscillating back and forth in the external magnetic field. In case the conversion occurs, propagation of gamma rays is affected, observable through distinctive signatures in the gamma-ray spectrum of the astrophysical sources reproduced from the IACTs data. ALPs in particular can leave alterations on the observed spectrum in different parts of it, depending on the point at which the photon-ALP conversion occurred, and the energy of the ...
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